If you follow personal blogs, you’ve probably heard about Word for the Year. At the beginning of each year, you pick one word (and maybe a verse to go with it) to focus on for the coming year. This year I picked Follow, along with Psalm 119:105: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (ESV).

I wasn’t completely set on Follow at first. I mean, I’m a Christian—a Christ follower—so Follow seemed kind of obvious. I follow, and have for as long as I can remember. But the word wouldn’t go away, and then the verse made its way into my head and wouldn’t leave. So I had to figure out what God’s telling me with Follow.

Honestly, I probably won’t know the word’s entire meaning anytime soon. Truly following Christ is huge, and no doubt it will take a lifetime—and then seeing Christ face-to-face—to fully comprehend. Which is fine. In the meantime, however, this is my year to really dig deep into following—not TV shows or social media or current trends or whatever this world tries to lure us with, but the only thing that matters when life on earth is over.

So, Follow. I don’t know where it will end, but I do know where it’s beginning—with the first two words of Psalm 119:105: “Your word.” This year, I’m going deeper in the Word, first with a 90-day chronological study of the New Testament. I’ll determine what’s next when the time comes; God will make that known when He’s ready.

I can’t wait.